Posted on 1/5/2022
Jan 5th, 2022 You may own a vehicle that you only drive occasionally. Maybe it is a summer day cruiser, an off-roader, or vacation hauler. Here are some things you need to know about a vehicle that doesn't get driven all that much. You know it has oil in it, and the problem with not driving a vehicle means the oil is just sitting there. Time is breaking it down. The additives that neutralize acids that build up in the oil are still at work, being depleted over time. Plus, parts of your vehicle that are supposed to be protected by oil simply aren’t when the vehicle is not being used. That’s why oil change intervals include both time and distance recommendations. Combustion causes moisture to accumulate in the oil. The water leads to significant corrosion, so it needs to be burned off periodically. You can do that by driving the vehicle at highway speeds for an hour or so. Your battery will discharge as it sits.  ... read more